Hello everyone!
Did you enjoy your weekend? We kicked some serious bootie last night at the Bulldog Concession and Beer Booths. The students worked really hard and killed it! I'm so proud of these young adults we are raising :). I don't know what the Food Stand sales were, but down at the Beer Garden we sold over $15,000 worth of product! The only time we sold that much was at last years Bosie State Game. We also were also told that we were the best team working the Beer Garden & want us to keep coming back. *High Fives Team! "We did real good" even if we only had one card reader during half time. Needless to say, this afternoon I took a well deserved and long overdue "Sunday After Church Nap". It was beautiful. Now, Before its too late, I wanted to send out this week's Look Ahead... We have a few things going on and to announce, but I can get that out tomorrow. Tonight I just want you to have these things on your radar.
As always, Monday gets out at 2:27 pm.
It's been 18 years, and I still don't know how to address this day.
One thing is for sure... Never Forget.
Thursday Night Practice 5pm-8pm (wear Bug Spray... these mosquitoes aren't messing around this year)
****FRIDAY 9/13***
"For the first time in forever" BULLARD is HOSTING A HOME FOOTBALL GAME IN THE BOWL!! This is a REALLY BIG DEAL. Mr. Cargill said that we are expecting over 3,000 people! We will have a Band Table out with Fundraising items, and other fun stuff. We may need some parent help in drawing attention and running said table. There will be Chuck Wagon out there to feed the kids since most of them (for convenience sake) will likely stay on campus after school. I'll send more details in the next couple days. Also, you're welcome for the song that is stuck in your head now.
Rehearsal 8am-1pm, Special Color Guard extended rehearsal til 5 pm.
Fingers crossed we all get a nap in...
