Happy Monday Everyone!
This morning I had to turn on my heater. It was 67F! I loved it. We have a lot of information to get out to you today. A LOT of things happening, so keep this post handy so you can refer back to it. I do not yet have the itinerary for Saturday, but plan on a call time of 1:30 pm and a return time of 11 pm. Bierock sales are happening now, you can download an order form from the website or share this link http://BullardBand.2.vu/OrderBullardBierocks . All orders must be turned in by Nov. 6th. If needed, payment can be made at the time of pick-up, simply submit the order online and choose cash payment OR write pay at Pick-Up on the order form. Are you ready to help bake? Sign up for baking day. Sign up here http://BullardBand.2.vu/Bake-Bierocks-Like-A-Boss
Another Polo order will be going in on Wednesday. Go to the website click $upport to order
Today, kids get out at 2:27 pm
Sell Bierocks
Sell Bierocks
Sell Bierocks
Sell Bierocks
5pm-8pm Thursday Practice
Things available to buy on Thursday:
Mr. Flores will be there with $aveAround Coupon Books, you can check them out and turn the money in as you sell them.
Jamba Juice Cards/Red Carpet Coupons
Show Stickers ($5/ea or 5/$20)
Limited Show Shirts & Past Show Shirts
Honor $20
Past Shirts $5
Luke Combs @ the Savemart Center sign up here to work
Sell Bierocks
Sell Bierocks
Golden State Tournament of Bands @ Clovis High School. As stated above, we do not have the itinerary yet, but it is safe to plan on a call time of 1:30/2pm & a return time of 11pm. For spectator entrance & parking information, go to the welcome page of our website www.bullardband.com
PARENTS: If you are not planning on attending this competition, or are able to miss it, we REALLY are in need of adults to work the Fresno State Concession & Beer Stands. At this point, we do not have enough people to work and are at risk of losing our stand. Please consider working at this event. We have been averaging earning $100/person at each event. It is a quick way to reach your fundraising goal! Follow the link to sign up: Fresno State Concession Stand 10/26
NO SCHOOL! sleep in
10/31 The Last Practice of the Season! Remember we are having a "Trunk or Treat" after practice. You can donate candy (drop it off with the directors) or bring your own to pass out to the students.
11/1 Senior Night @ the Football Game Everyone is coming to this event more details to come
11/2 Senior Dinner @ Sierra Cup Classic
11/6 Bierock Orders Due
11/7 Band Picture Day
11/9 Bierock Baking Day
11/16 A Knight to Remember (Fundraiser Event)