Good Afternoon! We have many things going on over the next few weeks. Please read through the post to make sure you are in the loop on all the things. I will update this post if I get NEW or ADDITIONAL information. Keep it handy :)
Tomorrow, November 7th 4 pm-8 pm BAND PICTURE DAY
Every Student needs to arrive at the Band Room in FULL UNIFORM ready for the outside portion of our shoot. The sun goes down by 5 pm so it is very important that we listen to the photographer and be polite so we get the shots before we lose daylight. After each section has their photo taken we will move on to the individual photos. Students attending the Winter Percussion Clinic will go first.
If you haven't yet RSVP'd to take an individual photo its not too late. Follow the link and do that now. If you have any trouble, let me know and I can fix in on my end. If for some reason you do not RSVP but want an individual photo, you can pick up an order form in the theater tomorrow and fill it out there. Students that RSVP'd will be photographed first. I know there have been several students who were asking about Group Pictures, if after all the RSVP's are finished and there is time, you can fill out a group order form and discuss with the photographer how many students can be in the shot.
Keep selling those Bierocks! We are almost to our minimum goal of 100 dz. We are still shooting for 150! I know we can make it happen. Keep asking around, sharing the link, maybe even walk around your neighborhood and sell things like we did in the "olden days" Remember, payment can be made at pick-up if necessary. Share this link
A Knight To Remember: NOVEMBER 16th!

Coming Save Mart Center Events
(Click on the event below to sign up to work)
FSU Sports Various Dates & Times, Click the link to see the calendar
Women's Volleyball Click on the link for times and days
Combate Americas Friday 11/22 Call Time 4 pm
PJ Masks Live! Sat 12/21 Call Time 12 pm
Harlem Globetrotters Friday 1/10/2020 Call Time 10 am
Toby Mac Friday 2/14/2020 Call Time 5 pm
Leo Dan & Paquita La Del Barrio Sun 2/16/2020 Call Time 5 pm
Blake Shelton Friday 2/21/20 Call Time 5 pm
Miranda Lambert Thurs 2/27/2020 Call Time 5 pm
WE NEED LOTS AND LOTS OF PEOPLE! Please click here to sign up for the last 2 events!